Movies | 7 | One Hour Photo

One Hour Photo

One Hour Photo

Oh, smiling again will be tougher without him on the screen.. Robin Williams was one of my favourate actors. The kind of variety and surprise-performances he would throw at you would always convince you of his calibre. It was a shock to read about his death – especially when it was only the first thing I had read after getting up in the morning! And more so because I had seen one of his brilliant movies just the day before! From Flubber, to Hook; Patch Adams and Good Will Hunting and of course, Dead Poets Society!

One Hour Photo brings out the negative side of Robin William’s acting meter. In the movie he plays a photo-film developer at a store; who is obsessed with a family’s affairs, for whom he has been developing pictures for years.

A sinister dark plot which conveys the thrill in your mind without actually showing anything gruesome on the screen. Brilliantly written and directed. Watch this one for a pure acting performance by Williams.

P.S. | When you look for a ‘good’ movie, in Robin Williams you must trust! Period.